Great first game for Coach Campbell

Missing multiple starters and the starting qb from last year and they won easily.

More importantly the best thing I saw today is great special teams play. Thank you coach Campbell for finally addressing this issue.

Kickers were great!

Other notes.

Norton ran pretty well.. Sama shiw3d some flash but needs to get upfield and make that hard cut....can't stop and step backward.

QB. Becht looked composed. Best thing I saw from him.

Receiver.. throw the ball to Higgins. Not Noel...Higgins. Noel wastes his talent every game it seems like. Punt return gets what it is blocked for. Made no attempt to cut it inside and score.

Tickets by NFC tap

I just saw tickets will be read by nfc tap.

That means you have to have it enabled on your phone.

On android go to settings, connections and you will see nfc. The bar should be slid to the right to enable it.

Once you have your ticket up in wallet you should be able to just tap the back of your phone to the reader to get it to read it.

Just a heads up. That's going to cause issues with people who don't have it enabled.
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Shoulder surgeries?

I'm slowly amassing a buttload of ortho surgeries and just had right shoulder re-built yesterday. Had 3 level cervical fusion March and numerous procedures and joint replacements before that. Yesterday was biceps tenodesis (reattachment), SLAP tear (labrum), rotator cuff, impingement and general arthritis. ZERO pain as the new nerve blocks work for 3-4 days eliminating the need for oxy during the most painful parts. Am looking at 6 months of continuing therapy to get things to work again. I've either been pre-op or post-op all year.

Any personal experiences on shoulder surgeries?

Without John Heacock....

Where do you think we would be as a program today without Heacock? And this is NOT a bash Campbell thread BTW. Just interested to know your thoughts. Excellent assistant coaches are underrated IMO, but would we have had the success in the last 8 years without Heacock?

In the same regard, where would Bill Belichick be without Tom Brady? Where would Matt Campbell be without Purdy?

Just wanna know everyone's opinion...

Tough Day in Algona

Most of you are probably aware Office Kevin Cram was killed in the line of duty last Wednesday, September 13. His funeral was this morning.

While it pales to the times his family, friends, and fellow officers have faced, are facing, and will be facing, this has been a tough, emotional week for the greater Algona community. Officer Kevin Cram, 55-18, leaves his wife and 3 young children. As you say prayer or have thoughts yo consider, say the name Kevin Cram.

And if you have never heard a police or fire fighter final call, Google his final call. It is indeed sobering.

Chrome Browser Users - Hover Extension Discovery

I got behind in reading the message board so I have been trying to catch-up. Many years ago I used an extension that allowed me to hover or click on a special icon next to a link and the content would open in a popup window or a split window next to the base window. The hover or click operation could be customized as could the popup or split window scheme. I don't remember the name of that extension, but there were others similar to it. Those extensions were for a browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape or an early Firefox that I was likely using at the time. I've been a Chrome user for a very long time, so that tells me it may have been 10 to 20 years ago since I used it.

Fast forward to today. I go looking for that type of extension and have given up a few times when I found nothing. This time I turned to Google Bard to help me find what I'm looking for. After some back and forth with Bard, I got a number of suggestions, many of which are no longer in the Chrome Web Store. I let Bard know and they narrowed the suggestions down to three.
  1. Hover by Eiiib Technologies: 4.9 stars (out of 5)
  2. Hoverify by UnveelWorks: 4.7 stars (out of 5)
  3. Link Preview by Link Preview Team: 4.3 stars (out of 5)
Hover was pretty good, although not as customizable as what I had used before. Link Preview looked the same but with some image problems indicative of an extension that is no longer supporter or maybe was replaced by Hover. Hoverify was intriguing. I don't know if it helps speed message board reading, but it can do a detailed analysis of website structure and content that may come in handy some day. But not today. Today Hover is the one that I installed an started using.

I had three pages of unread messages that I sped through and have a little more than a half page of links to go. For those of you that would like to experiment with a more efficient way to read the board try the Hover extension for Chrome.

3 random things from the weekend....

NFL - who saw Patriots on their FG block? The defense had a guy running in from the boundary and at the snap he veered into the backfield and easily blocked.

NFL - Miami and Tua... Announcers raved about Miami's basic route tree - wheel, slant and flat - saying they've run it for a while and nobody has defended it well.

XM B12 guys today say we canNOT fire CMC because we won't find anyone else better but they DID all agree on firing the play caller.
