Notes from a motorcoach driver
- By CyRail
- ISU Confidential 2.0
- 26 Replies
As some of you know, I'm in the tour/travel business. Had a chance to have breakfast last week with one of our long time drivers who hails from Iowa, and does a lot of driving for ISU.
A few tidbits he shared:
A few tidbits he shared:
- Women's swim and gymnastics teams are his favorites. Down to earth girls who don't put themselves above anyone else. Fun, nice people who like to include the driver in meals, activities, etc.
- Women's basketball team members are very nice. They act very differently if Bill is around vs. if he's not around. For example, at a meal--if Bill's around, very reserved, businesslike, etc. If Bill's not around, whooping it up, laughing, having a lot of fun. He did speak highly of Bill--has always been treated with utmost respect from him. One more note--when the women get on the motorcoach, phones have to be turned in--and then are given back when they get off the coach. It's all business on the motorcoach.
- TJ keeps his distance, but nice/professional to the driver. Men's players...they are bit more egotistical. Not mean or anything, but definitely put themselves on a level above the driver expecting to be serviced to.
- CMC a bit more engaging than TJ, very nice to the driver.
- Women's volleyball--this one is interesting. They're not like the swim and gymnastics teams. Act entitled, and more like the men's hoops team. Maybe the success/ESPN appearances has gone a bit to their head?
- The final nugget, and it's not a good a good one. He's frankly embarrassed often times, especially at football games, when dropping opposing teams at Jack Trice. The behavior from fans/students is not good toward the visitors. Of course we know this likely happens at most schools, but disappointing to hear that comment.