Green Fertilizer Plants

I seem to recall reading about this before and thought I posted a question for farmers on it. But I couldn't find the post, so all ask again since this article was in the Sunday Ames Tribune. Is there any merit to these modular fertilizer plants and their claim to lower farmers costs? Or are the claimed savings simply a result of government funding for "green" production. Inquiring minds want to know.

Any hamburger cooking experts out there......

I consider myself to me a pretty good cook and good around the grill. One thing I have never figured out is how to grill a perfect burger. I start out with a good bun sized patty and after grilling it turns into a much smaller diameter and rounder piece of meat. I have tried all the "tricks" with putting a dimple in the middle, putting an ice cube or pat of butter on top, etc. Also my grill is a Horizon (no longer in business but was called the slow cooker of grills back in the day). It physically cannot get over 400 degrees and by design there are no flare ups so it isn't like they burger is burning or getting charred.

What am I doing wrong? I love me a good burger and while these reduced sized patties are still tasty and juicy, how can I keep their approximate size?

Global Integrated Power Tracker

I found this site interesting. Below is a description and a link to an interactive map. You can waste a lot of time drilling down on this data by country, technology and status through various places in the life cycle from announced, through construction and operational as well as cancelled, mothballed, shelved and retired.

The Global Integrated Power Tracker (GIPT) is a multi-sector dataset of power stations and facilities worldwide. The tracker provides unit-level information on thermal power (coal, oil, gas, nuclear, geothermal, bioenergy) and renewables (solar, wind, hydro). The tracker includes data on unit capacity, status, ownership, fuel type, start year, retirement date, geolocation, and more. Each power facility is linked to a profile page, hosted on, that provides further information.
The GIPT dataset is continuously updated after each new release of these underlying trackers and maintains the capacity thresholds and methodologies of those projects (see methodology).
The most recent release of this integrated data was June 2024.
Update: Forgot the link. Global Integrated Power Tracker
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ATF identified shooter by looking up the serial number from the gun, and did so in 30 minutes.

This is the next huge problem from this assassination attempt. The government by law can not have a data base of gun records. So they were able to search through 1 B paper records to find the owner of this gun. This is not possible unless they have a database, and by law they may not have any database of guns. Government is completely lying again. Obviously we should never trust the government. The ATF needs to be eliminated.

There is a coverup by the POTUS and the SS.

Either the SS is totally incompetent, or the SS is conspiring to get Trump killed. Starting to look like they were trying to get Trump killed.

Head of the SS says they did not put anyone on the roof of the building with the shooter because it was sloped and dangerous. But yet the Sniper lookouts they had behind Trump were much more sloped, the slope on the building in question was very minor. So she is LYING, which likely means a conspiracy.

POTUS in an interview say he has complete confidence in HIM(SS Director), and has met several times with HIM before. Well HIM is actually a HER, so POTUS is completely lying as well.

SS agents have been told to say absolutely nothing to the press or they will be fired.

Experts on forensic audio say that at least 3 different guns can be identified in the audio of the shooting, the Kid, at least 1 Govt Sniper, and ?

Supposedly security was beefed up because they had warnings that Iran was going to try to assassinate Trump. Maybe POTUS actually wanted that to happen? Apparently Trump team has requested frequently more security, and Biden refused. Heck the democrats tried to revoke Trumps SS detail.

Apparently, they new for 30 + minutes that this suspicious person was near by, but they could not find him, even though he was literally over their heads. Security was in the building right underneath this shooter.

I was thinking this was just gross incompetence of the DEI SS director, but now leaning towards they were setting up Trump. Way too much lying coming from the Government now, they are covering up something.

@@@PLEASE READ: New Politics Forum@@@

Dear subscribers, I have decided to create a separate board for only political threads. Summer is a slow time of the year and there's a lot of subscriber interest in discussing politics on here. However, I've also received feedback from several subscribers that they don't like the political posts overtaking the insightful off-topic discussions on that board. Although this will mean extra work for me in monitoring another message board, I think some compromise is in order and it's time to separate the political from the off-topic.

Per our terms of service, CycloneReport is not responsible, nor do we endorse, the content posted by our subscribers on the off-topic and political forums. We will do our best to make sure ISU Confidential remains ON-TOPIC, about Iowa State athletics and college sports.

One more thing... if a post has to do with college sports, let’s go ahead and put it on the ISU Confidential board. I know that was a little bit of a gray area, as far as being on-topic or off-topic. If that particular post ends up turning political, myself or @Chester90 will move it to the OT board.


An idle thought on aging

I've noticed I become more like my junior high self on what amuses me.

Saw Lake Titicaca mentioned in an article yesterday.
Was a time it was fun getting a teacher to say "Lake Titicaca" several times.
JUvenile laughter ensued.
"She said "Titicaca"!" (Still works for Zoiker I'm sure)

Almost as much fun as getting " Will Mike Hunt report to the office" over the PA in high school.
Which became "Has anyone seen Mike Hunt???"
Good times.

Add some pranks.
Feel young again!
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