Hasan Ward

Can someone tell me why he didn't see the court for so long in the second half? I was very bullish on him and I think he's a very active, effective player. He had four points in two rebounds today but only played 13 minutes.

Time and time again today, when we needed someone to come in for the post in the second half, it was Bob Jones instead of Ward.

Did Ward get hurt and I missed it? I know Bob Jones did okay today, but I see Ward as just so much more talented and so much more effective defensively.

Lack of execution….

CMC’s post game talk about the failed “And Goal” series has me a little concerned.

He is saying that they were good play calls and there was a lack of execution.

There is kind of a theme starting to develop with his comments this season.

He is actually throwing the players under the bus with his continued “lack of execution” comments while having the backs of his coaches.

If he truly believes this, I don’t see staff changes.

CMC has now lost 27 one score games!

This probably already posted somewhere…

I didn’t go to the game. It was my first missed home game in 10 yrs. I saw a stat on TV during the game saying CMC has lost 26 one score games. Welp, last night made 27.

After the game I was really glad I didn’t go. I couldn’t handle another 2.5 hr drive home after another shit show like that.
