Historic Cyclone Memorabilia

Going through stored boxes preparing for a city wide garage sale, our first since moving to Sgt Bluff in Dec of 2016. I'm sure we all have piles of old Cyclone material and I do remember promising some old football programs to Paul Clark. But we moved and they were stored away. Anyway, I'm not sure what I want to do with all my collected memorabeilia. I already have quite a bit displayed in my "man cave" area but not enough wall space or approval from the boss for more. I have newspaper articles, football and wrestling programs, newsletters ,etc. I haven't come across the old fb programs yet but know they are here, some dating back to 1971. I think the most prized possessions I've come across today is a Newspaper article from the '92 upset over Nebraska and the cardboard wrestling match placard from the Big O's victory over Lou Banach. I even kept the scores of each match on it which included Jim Gibbons big win over Randy Lewis by medical default when Randy's elbow was dislocated when bracing for a landing. They obviously have a place in my heart but don't think my boy's would appreciate them. I'm not 100% positive I could give them up unless I knew they were going someplace where they could be displayed and appreciated. I realize this may not be possible but maybe Bill or some of you connected posters would have an idea. Or Paul if he's still listening. I promised the fb programs to you so they are yours when I locate them if you still want them. I think it would be cool for someone like Paul, Bill or a poster to set-up Cyclone Report tailgate once a year for posters to meet and look at these type of collections. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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PLEASE READ: Off-Topic Posts

Dear subscribers, we have received several complaints about off-topic content on our forums. We will continue to move off-topic threads, particularly those about political and social issues of the day, to our off-topic forum. Those that post those here on the ISU Confidential board are subject to being blacklisted. Per our terms of service, CycloneReport is not responsible, nor do we endorse, the content posted by our subscribers. We will do our best to make sure this forum remains ON-TOPIC, about Iowa State athletics and college sports.

One more thing... from now on, if a post has to do with college sports, let’s go ahead and put it on the ISU Confidential board. I know that was a little bit of a gray area, as far as being on-topic or off-topic. If that particular post ends up turning political, myself or Chester90 will move it to the OT board.


My lucky day

Was by myself yesterday so went to Boulders after the game to watch more basketball and have a beer. My side of the bar was almost all open and i had 3 open seats to my left and right. Here comes a father with three boys heading to the open seats. As i look up and offer to move over i know its an x ISU player, but for the life of me i cant think of his name. So, i ask and its Klay Edwards. 5 minutes later, i look up and recognize a face across the bar by the entrance. I turn to Klay and say if i didnt know better id say that looks like JC Holloway. Klay gets his attention and JC sits down on my other side. The next 10 minutes while they were waiting to get a table i was in bball heaven mostly listening to these two discuss families old times and bball. JC had some or all of his garden city H.S. bball staff with him. Oh, and he has 7 kids now. Wow

What great gentlemen and fine cyclones.

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@@@@@ Iowa State vs K-State Game Chat @@@@@

Below is the link for Tuesday night's live chat for the Iowa State vs. Kansas State basketball game, commencing around 6:00 PM central time. Our chats stay troll free and jackwagon free for as long as you all do not share the link beyond this premium forum. We ask that you use your screen name as your chat room user name as well. Thanks!

Iowa State vs K-State Game Chat
