Dear subscribers, I have decided to create a separate board for only political threads. Summer is a slow time of the year and there's a lot of subscriber interest in discussing politics on here. However, I've also received feedback from several subscribers that they don't like the political posts overtaking the insightful off-topic discussions on that board. Although this will mean extra work for me in monitoring another message board, I think some compromise is in order and it's time to separate the political from the off-topic.

From now on, ALL OFF-TOPIC, NON-POLITICAL THREADS should be posted to the original Off-Topic Forum.

Per our terms of service, CycloneReport is not responsible, nor do we endorse, the content posted by our subscribers on the off-topic and political forums. We reserve the right to remove content, and blacklist or ban posters at our own discretion. A reminder that a ban or blacklist here will prevent you from posting on ISU Confidential 2.0 as well.

I'd ask that users on both sides of the political aisle be civil towards your fellow Cyclone fans and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. The banter in political threads here needs to be cleaned up from what it's been over the past several months and especially after the events of Saturday, July 13th, when I had to shut down discussion for several hours due to how heated things became. Now that we've moved past that, politics are once again 100-percent fair game.

As always, I appreciate your continued support of my primary mission here and that's covering Iowa State athletics.
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@@@PLEASE READ: New Politics Forum & Off-Topic Forum Guidelines@@@

Dear subscribers, I have decided to create a separate board for only political threads. Summer is a slow time of the year and there's a lot of subscriber interest in discussing politics on here. However, I've also received feedback from several subscribers that they don't like the political posts overtaking the insightful off-topic discussions on that board. Although this will mean extra work for me in monitoring another message board, I think some compromise is in order and it's time to separate the political from the off-topic.

From now on, ALL POLITICAL THREADS should be posted to this new forum.

Per our terms of service, CycloneReport is not responsible, nor do we endorse, the content posted by our subscribers on the off-topic and political forums. We will do our best to make sure this forum remains ON-TOPIC, about Iowa State athletics and college sports.

media coverage of shooting

There are two still photos that are candidates for Pulitzer prizes. They both show Trump being escorted from the stage by Secret Service agents, blood on his face and his fist in the air, with the American flag in the background. Really stunning images.

I watched MSNBC last night. They showed the photos several times......but the flag was missing. Which, of course, dramatically changes the photo. Either the flag was photo-shopped out or the photo was cropped to eliminate it.

This cannot be accidental.

I need an Engineer

Sorry Bill, I'm sure this is OT, But selfishly need as many engineers eyes as possible 😉
I want to build a dump box trailer with a special capability. It's a rather simple addition, but I need some expertise on how to make sure it's something that can work. I have a wood box prototype to demonstrate. I need to get a NDA, because I've talked to a few close friends and family that use trailers frequently and they aren't afraid of being honest, and they keep asking me if it's made yet. I live between Ames and Ankeny if anyone is interested in discussing. Thanks
Again sorry Bill.
