Historic Cyclone Memorabilia
- By SiouxCyty
- ISU Confidential 2.0
- 4 Replies
Going through stored boxes preparing for a city wide garage sale, our first since moving to Sgt Bluff in Dec of 2016. I'm sure we all have piles of old Cyclone material and I do remember promising some old football programs to Paul Clark. But we moved and they were stored away. Anyway, I'm not sure what I want to do with all my collected memorabeilia. I already have quite a bit displayed in my "man cave" area but not enough wall space or approval from the boss for more. I have newspaper articles, football and wrestling programs, newsletters ,etc. I haven't come across the old fb programs yet but know they are here, some dating back to 1971. I think the most prized possessions I've come across today is a Newspaper article from the '92 upset over Nebraska and the cardboard wrestling match placard from the Big O's victory over Lou Banach. I even kept the scores of each match on it which included Jim Gibbons big win over Randy Lewis by medical default when Randy's elbow was dislocated when bracing for a landing. They obviously have a place in my heart but don't think my boy's would appreciate them. I'm not 100% positive I could give them up unless I knew they were going someplace where they could be displayed and appreciated. I realize this may not be possible but maybe Bill or some of you connected posters would have an idea. Or Paul if he's still listening. I promised the fb programs to you so they are yours when I locate them if you still want them. I think it would be cool for someone like Paul, Bill or a poster to set-up Cyclone Report tailgate once a year for posters to meet and look at these type of collections. Any ideas would be appreciated.