Has anybody served on a federal grand jury?

16 months ago I was served notice that my name came up for federal grand jury selection. I ended up being first alternate.

Federal grand jury duty is an 18-month stint, the grand jury meeting one or two days every month. As first alternate I was required to go through the entire training and orientation session, but after that I was free to go unless I got called up to replace one of the original jurors. I heard nothing until a couple of weeks ago, when I got the call. I will have three remaining months of duty to serve.

When I first got served the selection notice I dreaded the idea of having to make an 18-month commitment, which one does not get off the hook without a very compelling reason. During the selection process several tried, but the judge played it pretty strict.

Anyway, I found the orientation session fascinating, and being somewhat of a casual student of our judicial process (thanks to a marketing professor, of all people, when working on my masters) I wanted to get selected.

But instead, I ended up first alternate (of four) which meant that I was required to go through full training, which too was fascinating and left me hoping that I would get called up during my 18-month standby, which happened a couple of weeks ago.

I got the best of all worlds in a way. I do get the experience of serving, but I only have to do it for three months instead of eighteen.

Has anyone else here served on a federal grand jury?

Side note....

Fifteen years ago the only legal experience I ever had was seeing a lawyer about creating a will or a corporation. In the last fifteen years, I have been involved with four lawsuits, two court trials (on federal, one state), two appeals, and now this. I might as well have gone to law school.

Found on Youtube

The semi complete play by play of the great 1992 Seiler game. Not the best camera angles, but great to hear Pete's voice, and to relieve this memory. The footage skips around a bit, and that sort of glosses over the incredible defensive effort that day, holding that high powered Nebraska offense to 10 points total.

There was Ok St in 2011, OU in 2017. This remains the most jaw dropping upset in our program history. Still can't believe it happened.

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FOOTBALL *** roster turned over to 2024 mode***

I'm not sure how long ago this was done, but the roster has been updated with all January additions. There'd been a lot of speculation on who was coming back for Covid years and who wasn't. As it turns out, Jarrod Hufford and Darien Porter are the only two of the scholarship players returning for freebees. Easton Dean and the other seniors have moved on.

NOTE: updated heights and weights will not be entered until the summer.

Mojo Nixon RIP

Sorry to take you away from political sniping at each other for a few minutes (which is why I'm never on the board) but I wanted to post on the passing of one of music's last true rebels.

I saw him play live twice; once at People's and once at the M-Shop. Unforgettable shows.

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