The dream lives on.
May the dream never die.
WE'd been playing very good football.
Not true tonight.
Still have crazy guts.
Rocco notsharp.
Went from accurate to cosseyed javelin thrower.
He got dinged before the first pick 6.
Short out was a terrible call.I blame thre OC.
Call a run and check your QB wits. (Which Campbell soon did.)
Second pick was a bad throw ricochet.
Defense fills on the 80 yard run were bad.
Not sure who didn't fill the gap/
WE made it easy.
Hopefully got that out of our system.
Hated spiking the ball on the 19 with a minute left.
PI call saved our bacon.
Refs won't always give it.
May the dream never die.
WE'd been playing very good football.
Not true tonight.
Still have crazy guts.
Rocco notsharp.
Went from accurate to cosseyed javelin thrower.
He got dinged before the first pick 6.
Short out was a terrible call.I blame thre OC.
Call a run and check your QB wits. (Which Campbell soon did.)
Second pick was a bad throw ricochet.
Defense fills on the 80 yard run were bad.
Not sure who didn't fill the gap/
WE made it easy.
Hopefully got that out of our system.
Hated spiking the ball on the 19 with a minute left.
PI call saved our bacon.
Refs won't always give it.
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