Lawsuits filed over anchor babies.

Trump wants to stop birthright citizenship. I personally know of a couple from India that used an anchor baby to solve their immigration problems, they should have been deported. So Trump believes that anchor babies are not constitutional. I have read the 14the amendment, and it does not seem real clear. There is a requirement that the baby is subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. If the parents are illegal aliens, then they in reality could be subject to the jurisdiction of the country they came from. Babies born to diplomats in this country are NOT citizens of the USA, and can not be anchor babies. When the democrats bring this lawsuit, they call the parents immigrants, which they are not, they are correctly identified as illegal aliens. To be an immigrant you must come here lawfully. So my guess is the SCOTUS must determine what "subject to the jurisdiction" actually means. If someone can define this definition constitutionally, please enlighten me. One of the reasons given by the AG's that are suing, is that it is precedent, but this means nothing to me, as the SCOTUS on average overturns precedent twice a month. What matters is to get it right, not to maintain "precedent". So what would be the correct constitutional result of these lawsuits? Currently, there are 150k anchor babies born each year, which likely results in more than 300K people getting into the USA illegally, the parents plus the baby.
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***RELEASE: Yonger Bastida to Miss Remainder of Season Due to Injury***

Iowa State Media Relations

AMES, Iowa – Iowa State head coach Kevin Dresser announced Tuesday that heavyweight Yonger Bastida will miss the remainder of the 2024-25 season due to a lingering knee injury.

“It is tough to lose a wrestler of Yonger’s caliber from the lineup,” Dresser said. “No one wants to be out there wrestling for the Cyclones more than Yonger. He tried to get back on the mat this season, but it is in his best long-term interest to heal up and pursue a medical redshirt to come back healthy next year.”

Bastida was 2-0 this season with victories over Iowa’s No. 13 Ben Kueter on Nov. 23 and North Carolina’s Robert Platt on Dec. 21. The Trinidad, Cuba native owns a 75-22 career record and was a 2022 All-American at 197 pounds.

ISU Football Postseason Fan Survey From AD

Many of you ticket holders/purchasers may have gotten or will get a postseason satisfaction survey from the athletic department, as I did. There are no specific questions about beer sales, but there is an open-ended response opportunity at the end. Please consider adding something to the affect of, “Please consider selling some beer to benefit athletes and facilities.” Thank you.
