Across social media, not necessarily just on this board, it seems as if more people are questioning the CMC hire, his abilities, and the potential to improve our program, than there are people supporting the hire. Honestly, it makes me sick. When asked who some of the critics thought should be hired, most can't even come up with a name and no one has posted a substantially different kind of coach who would have been realistic yet. Did some people really think we were going to get Les Miles? Honestly, think about how this feels to OUR NEW COACH.....Welcome to ISU CMC...our fans don't think you are worth a shit, but welcome dude. Come on folks, I posted this a couple of days after the CSP hire and will post it again.....The time for questioning who should be the new coach and disliking some of the options was yesterday. Today, we have a coach. Are you an ISU fan. or are you an ISU critic? It is time to get on board and get behind CMC!!!
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