"Two-and-a-half years ago, thought we had a significant penalty, a strong penalty," Stoops said Wednesday. "Now, it isn't enough. These individuals can't have a second chance. Just not acceptable."
Ohhhhkay. The facts are the same, but it looks different because of the video released last week. So, "my answer depends upon what YOU know, not what I know." Ask the high priest of football Goodell how the Ray Rice episode worked out. Today, the NFL has higher ethical standards than OU.
The ethics bar today is set so low. However, OU, the poster child of no collegiate athletic morals, is attempting to slither lower. Congratulations, I guess.
L-OU-SER!!!!!!!!! ST-OU-PS!!!!!!
Ohhhhkay. The facts are the same, but it looks different because of the video released last week. So, "my answer depends upon what YOU know, not what I know." Ask the high priest of football Goodell how the Ray Rice episode worked out. Today, the NFL has higher ethical standards than OU.
The ethics bar today is set so low. However, OU, the poster child of no collegiate athletic morals, is attempting to slither lower. Congratulations, I guess.
L-OU-SER!!!!!!!!! ST-OU-PS!!!!!!
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