Perhaps you heard about the 18-year old ISU student who was killed in a hit and run this morning. For some reason this has really been on my heart today. There is a lot of crap in the world and each of us has no doubt had to deal with our share of stuff we'd wish had never crossed out paths. I guess as a father of Junior at ISU I remember what's its like to first have a child, then watch them grow and all to soon be gone and pursuing their dreams. I think of the Jacobs family holding their little baby girl. I think of their amazement at the miracle in their arms. I think of all the times along the way of the journey. I think of the dreams they had. I think of the dreams she had. The trepidation and the exhilaration of starting college. My guess is she was perhaps headed to her first final or to cram some more before her first tests. I don't know for sure. All I know is it all came to a horrible end this morning at a rainy intersection in Ames. One I crossed many times as a student. One my daughter crosses too. I just can't even begin to fathom the broken hearts of her parents and her family. Christmas just around the corner, waiting for her to be home and share all about her first semester. I have cried several times today. It just breaks my heart. This isn't the only tragedy that any of us has ever heard or experienced, but for some reason I am compelled to write this. Maybe you know this family. Even if you don't, I hope you will pray for them. I hope we all remember in this Season those Blessings in life we call our loved ones. I hope we will honor them and cherish them. It only takes an instant for eternity to arrive. And, we never know when that time will come. Love is the greatest gift you have to give.
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