Came home from golf league around 9pm Thursday and ate a couple of leftover pieces of pizza. Friday I felt a dull pain on my right side, below my rib. Lot of drive time and when I got home Friday afternoon, I was feeling worse and just went to bed. Woke up about 2am and couldn't stop from violently shivering, felt worse, and was really thirsty. I was able drink about 2 ounces of water before making a beeline to the restroom and expunging much more than I drank. Took some Aleve, put on sweats, socks, & gloves before crawling back into bed with extra blankets. FINALLY stopped shivering and fell asleep again. Woke up around 6:30, drenched in sweat but the ache on my right side was gone. Got up around 10am, dizzy as hell and on the verge of fainting. Having some fainting episodes (one from food poisoning), I knew the symptoms and the cause: dehydration. Iv'e been forcing water down (about 3/4 of a gal so far) and beginning to feel normal. Food poisoning is intense, but thankfully fairly short lived. Dehydration causes your body to do really strange stuff.