You're one of the prime weather experts I can access. I know, weather and climate are different animals; however, I wonder whether you have seen/might share your reaction to this article in the current Atlantic:
Earth's Atmosphere Just Crossed an Epochal Threshold,
The article cites Robert Keeling's data from the Mana Loa Observatory regarding carbon in the atmosphere and says we likely just passed 400 ppb monthly average and will likely never see an average below 400 ppb again in any of our lifetimes. Further, it says this level was last seen either 1 million or 25 million years ago.
Earth's Atmosphere Just Crossed an Epochal Threshold,
The article cites Robert Keeling's data from the Mana Loa Observatory regarding carbon in the atmosphere and says we likely just passed 400 ppb monthly average and will likely never see an average below 400 ppb again in any of our lifetimes. Further, it says this level was last seen either 1 million or 25 million years ago.