Value of basketball programs, in $'s.
If Louisville is #1, then the calculation is worthless. Yum is a horrible investment.
I have not researched the criteria for the rating valuations.
This is worthless click bait, but don't let the dark side know they are valued mere thousands more than the side of light and goodness. Let them know how close they are sliding a bit further down in the rankings. They will increase their Viagra and Cialis consumption in order to keep up their "bravado".
If Louisville is #1, then the calculation is worthless. Yum is a horrible investment.
I have not researched the criteria for the rating valuations.
This is worthless click bait, but don't let the dark side know they are valued mere thousands more than the side of light and goodness. Let them know how close they are sliding a bit further down in the rankings. They will increase their Viagra and Cialis consumption in order to keep up their "bravado".