I was just on the phone with my youngest daughter, who works in a nursing home and asked her as kind of an aside if she is going to be able to get the vaccine for covid. Unbelievably, (to me) she told me she opted out. The vaccine isn't available to them just yet anyway, but she said she didn't, "want to grow a third eye." I said, "WHAT!?!?!?!?" She is fearful that they just made this vaccine in 9 months and she doesn't want to be a guinea pig. I told her she was being foolish and her opinion was ignorant. It's not like they began from scratch to find a vaccine. The basic groundwork for creating vaccines for flu-like symptoms was established decades ago, I can't believe someone in the medical field would have such a narrow view of how things work and I told her so. She was adamant and said she thought my opinion was ignorant.
Is this a common misconception among the general public, anti-vaxxers aside? Because that's exactly what it is -- a misconception.
Is this a common misconception among the general public, anti-vaxxers aside? Because that's exactly what it is -- a misconception.