Jon Rothstein first reported...
The tournament in Lake Buena Vista, Florida formerly known as the Orlando Classic and the Old Spice Classic.
2016 teams...
ISU, Gonzaga, Miami, Florida, Stanford, Seton Hall, Indiana St, & Quinnpiac.
Thurday (Nov. 24), Friday (Nov. 25), and Sunday (Nov. 27) of Thanksgiving weekend.
Zags won this event in 2008 and 2012.
The tournament in Lake Buena Vista, Florida formerly known as the Orlando Classic and the Old Spice Classic.
2016 teams...
ISU, Gonzaga, Miami, Florida, Stanford, Seton Hall, Indiana St, & Quinnpiac.
Thurday (Nov. 24), Friday (Nov. 25), and Sunday (Nov. 27) of Thanksgiving weekend.
Zags won this event in 2008 and 2012.