Someone called in to the radio show just before I got home tonight that made me chuckle. He said something like "the players are doing the best they can with the coaches they have." I shut the truck off after that so I didn't hear any of the follow-up.
Another caller said Rhoads made statements indicating he was going to open up the kicking position. If there is any position that needs to be opened up it is Head Coach. Players seem to regress the longer they are in the program. We don't have a talent problem. We have a coaching problem. Rhoads' best years are with players that had the least amount of his coaching.
Another caller said Rhoads made statements indicating he was going to open up the kicking position. If there is any position that needs to be opened up it is Head Coach. Players seem to regress the longer they are in the program. We don't have a talent problem. We have a coaching problem. Rhoads' best years are with players that had the least amount of his coaching.